Greenest Carpet Cleaning Equipment
With the changing climate and increasing environmental concern, many clients of professional carpet cleaning businesses are asking more and more questions about the methods being used to clean their homes. Growing concern about chemical use, pollution, and exposure to toxins means that—as a professional carpet cleaning business—it’s time to start considering the greener options for carpet cleaning.
In the past, carpet cleaning methods weren’t exactly the most environmentally friendly. The chemicals used are powerful, and for good reason! Stains in carpets can be some of the hardest to remove. Whether it’s commercial or residential carpet, debris, dirt, and other stains in carpets are usually walked on and left to ‘set’ for quite awhile until they see the business end of carpet cleaning equipment.
Back then; any “green” solution to carpet cleaning simply wasn’t powerful or effective enough. Now however, there are alternative methods like steam extraction cleaning.
Steam extraction will first spray carpeting with a cleaning solution—you can choose to use natural ones (and we recommend it if your clients are under the impression that they’re working with an environmentally conscious company). What’s great about the steam extraction method is that the equipment both sprays the solution and sucks up the solution as it passes. So you end up with less water and a faster, more efficient clean. Machines like Rotovac’s CFX Continuous Extractor is a great example of a light, efficient, and affordable green cleaning method you can add to your cleaning arsenal.
Green cleaning chemicals and solutions for carpet cleaning are also something that you should look into if you want to offer environmentally friendly options for your customers. Green cleaning solutions can be found from suppliers and are much stronger than anything you may have tried in the past, while still making sure that your customers’ are not exposed to toxins.