Pro's Choice Energy

Pro's Choice Energy

Part #: 3040

$27.00 $28.42

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

Pro's Choice Energy is a powerful liquid solvent booster that incorporates a new chemical formulation to achieve dramatic results and solve the common challenge of soiled olefin and polyester fibers.  Energy, when combined with another reliable cleaning solution, boosts your cleaner’s ability to break the strong bond that holds soils in place. Works to separate oily, waxy and gummy soils from synthetic fibers. When combined with another cleaning agent, such as Pro's Choice Extreme Clean, nothing comes close to Energy’s ability to destroy impossible dirt. Activated by high temperature settings.

Dilution - Up to 2 ounces per 5 gallons of water. pH at Dilution  8.

Shipping Weight: 8.5 lb
Part #: 3040